Friday, February 13, 2015

Who Needs Michigan Leaves? I’ve Got COTTON!

Ok so that’s a total lie… nothing can replace the sensation of raking leaves all morning just to create a massive pile and jump in it (or maybe snow is more accurate at this point). But I have to admit, when I saw the piles of cotton recently gathered in my village for our cotton harvest, all I wanted to do was jump!


Add cotton to the list of things about which I had no idea how it grew. When I saw my first cotton plant I was expecting lots of sharp thorns, but instead I saw beautiful flowers and these funny pod looking things that eventually open up to reveal bunches of cotton.

A cotton bud

Once all of the cotton had been harvested, the cotton company in my region, SODEFITEX, came to weigh the harvest and truck it away. The entire process took about 4 days. It was a whole village activity – men loading up horse carts all across the village and driving them to the weighing location. 

Using a mosquito net to cart cotton - this man got a stern talking to haha

Each household then just dumped their cotton in a pile, and somehow everyone knew which pile belonged to whom. It was definitely one of those organized chaos things…

The cotton is then loaded into these large sheets and brought to the scale. Once weighed, all of the cotton is loaded into a truck and driven away.


A new social hangout

My host family is actually one of the few in the village that does not grow cotton. When I asked my host dad about this, it turns out he has very strong feelings. He said that the company sells the farmers the cotton seed and fertilizer to grow the crop, but doesn’t give the price of those items until they come back to actually collect the harvest. At that point, they weigh the cotton, subtract the cost of all the items they provided the farmer and then give out the farmer’s profit. According to my host dad, it’s a lot of work for not a lot of payout. That being said, it is one of the main crops we grow. I didn’t help with the harvest like I did with the peanuts, so I’ve got something to look forward to next year!

This is too funny - just wait for it!

Happy Valentine’s Day to you all! My valentines (Mom & Dad) are on their way right NOW! Stay tuned :)

Thanks for reading. Peace & love,


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