Wednesday, February 24, 2016

1 + 1 = 3

Well I’ll just come out with the big news – after two years in Senegal I’ve decided to extend and stay on as a Peace Corps volunteer for a third year!  The seed was planted in my head a few months back by my program manager, but I was very torn on what to do. I had a lot of conversations with my family, and ultimately just had to follow my heart.

My life will be much different this 3rd year than what I experienced the last 2 years. I will move to the capital city of Dakar and live in an apartment there – electricity, running water, the ability to cook my own meals, etc. I’m pretty excited about all of that! I also have a new job – I will now be the Peace Corps Volunteer Leader for the Health program, meaning I am the lead Health volunteer. I will assist in the training for all new health volunteers and then continue to provide them with programmatic support throughout the year. There are some great opportunities for personal & professional growth for me over this year. Staying was a scary decision to make, but if it turns out half as good as the scary decision to quit my job & come to Senegal, I have nothing to worry about.

For the next 2 months I will be living between our training center and my village in Tamba (about 8 hours apart) to help facilitate the training for our new health volunteers that come on Monday! Once that’s over I will officially move out of my village and into Dakar.

I will be HOME in June for a month of home leave and hope to see as many people as possible, so more details to come on this once I have specific dates.

Thanks as always for the continued support and words of encouragement that you all send me! And a special thanks to my parents – I know choosing to stay was a selfish decision, but you’ve always supported me even when you’re not super excited about my choice. You’re the best.

One housekeeping note – NEW ADDRESS!

PCVL Lindsay Swisher
Peace Corps Senegal
B.P. 2534
Dakar, Senegal
West Africa

Thanks for reading. Peace & love,
